Business Coach, Business Consultant, Trainer and Author.
Specific Expertise
- Creating Strategic Clarity and Strategy Implementation
- Supporting People Staying Focused and Achieving Their Goals
- Strengthening Trust and Driving Productivity in Teams
- Implementing Lean-Agile Work Processes & Quality Tools
- Implementation of Business Management Systems
- Creation & Implementation of Customized Business Trainings
Dirk has been working in business and organizational development for two decades as a management consultant/ trainer. As an inspiring and trustworthy coach, he works for CEOs of small & medium-sized companies up to management teams in large corporations. The core of his services aims at developing clear and focused strategies, perfecting processes, and building healthy and high-performing teams that collaborate with enthusiasm and endurance. In a nutshell, his service is about Building Vital Organizations in a Challenging World!
Business Partnerships
- Certified 7 Attributes of Agile Growth® Coach,
GRAVITAS Impact Premium Coaches, USA - Training Development & Training Execution at SIEMENS AG,
Global Learning and Growth, World-Wide - Partner of the Initiative Ludwig-Erhard-Preis e.V.,
EFQM National Partner Organisation, Germany
Industry Specialties
- Engineering and Technology
- Software Solutions and IT-Services
- Industrial Manufacturing and Craft Companies
- Service Businesses
The Vital Company
Paths to effective and
sustainable collaboration
In german, available on:
Excellence in Employee Engagement
Contribution as guest author:
Article "Excellence in Mitarbeiter-Involvierung"
In german, available on: